
An address known to be the creator of a rugpull contract

An NFT known to be a scam

An address associated with a scammer

A smart contract or dApp designed to look legitimate but contains hidden exploits to steal funds or data from users

An address known to be a user of a no-KYC exchange

A smart contract known to behave maliciously

An address that has been explicitly sanctioned by government(s)

An address known to be a hacker or associated with hackers

An address known to be a drainer or associated with drainers

An address known to be used by terrorists or involved in the facilitation of terror activities

An address associated with state-sponsored paramilitary groups

An address known to be used by money launderers

An address involved in the sale of malware

An address known to be involved in the deployment or exfiltration of funds in ransomware

An address involved in the sale or processing of leaked database or datasets

An address involved in the sale or processing of illegal pornographic content

An address involved in illegal marketplaces

An address involved in the development, deployment or capitalisation of malware

An address associated with funding extremist elements

An address known to be associated with hacktivists

An address known to be involved in the sale of narcotics

An address involved in blackmail

An address involved in online abuse